List of Co.Me.S. machinery
MCM work island, composed of two horizontal workstations, max machinable size 600x600x600, with 360-position revolving table; 210-tool rack; 25 pallets driven by a robot shuttle; 2 operator’s loading/unloading stations; all of the plant is controlled by a monitoring device.
No 2 MCM horizontal workstations, max machinable size 700x700x700, 360-position revolving table, 4 pallets, 50 tools.
MCM horizontal workstations, max machinable size 800x800x800, 360-position revolving table, 4 pallets, 48 tools.
No 1 Sigma vertical workstation, max machinable size 800x500x500, Continuous revolving table, 24 tools.
Maho workstation, max machinable size 800x500x500; vertical and horizontal heads; Continuous revolving table, pallet, 30 tools.
Sigma vertical workstation, max machinable size 600x400x400, Continuous revolving table, 2 pallets, 30 tools.
Emco vertical workstation, max machinable size 500x350x350, 12 tools.
No 2 NC lathes, Mori Seiki NL2500Y, with tail-mandrel, max lathable diameter 370mm, max lathable length 700mm; Y axis 100mm + 50mm from centre; main self centring chuck 250mm, driven chuck 210mm. Up to 12 motor-driven tools. C axis on both mandrels.
NC lathe, Mori Seiki NL2500Y, version with digital tailstock, max lathable diameter 370mm, max lathable length 700mm; Y axis 100mm + 50mm from centre; main self centring chuck 250mm with “C” axis; Up to 12 motor-driven tools.
NC lathe, Graziano, version with tailstock, max lathable diameter 400mm, max lathable length 600mm; self-centringchuck 280mm.
NC lathe, Graziano, version with tailstock tip, max lathable diameter 350mm, max lathable length 500mm; self-centring chuck 250mm.
Milling and lathing station, Mori Seiki NT 4300/1000 Z, max lathable diameter 660 mm, max lathable length 1000mm. Milling head with x y z b axes, B axis B + 120° in continuous mode. 40-position tool magazine. Lower lathing tower, with 12 motor-driven positions. Suitable for complex 5-axis applications (turbine blades, rotors, components for the aviation industry).
Round grinder for external applications, Tacchella, Max lenght 1000mm
Round grinder for external applications, Tacchella, Max lenght 600mm
No. 2 grinders for internal applications, Ribon
Thread grinder, Heckert Mikromat
No 3 Round surface grinders, max diameter 700mm
Threading machine for Worm screws/flared screws, Heckert, max length600 mm
Threading/Gear Cutting machine for Worm screws/flared screws and spline shafts, Heckert, max length 3000mm
Vertical hydraulic broaching machine, Marchello, max stress10000 Kg.
Vertical hydraulic broaching machine, Marchello max stress1000025000 Kg.
No. 2 All-Purpose Gear Cutting machines, Lorenz, max modulus 4
Gear Hobbing machine, Cima P5, max modulus 6
Gear Hobbing machine, Cima P3, max modulus 3.5
No 2 Gear Hobbing machines, Heckert, max modulus 7
Gear Hobbing machine, Pfauter, max modulus 4
Gear Hobbing machine, Atena, max modulus 7
Slotting machine with revolving table
No 5 manual parallel lathes, up to max size lathable 600mm, max length 2000mm
No 3 all-purpose manual cutting mills with displays, max machinable size 500x400x400
Cutting department, with Rush automatic belt saw, max diameter 400mm,No 3 cutting machines, with 300mm disks; mulay saw, max 350mm.
3-D measurement machine, MDM 1000x500x600
Profilometer, Mitutoyo Sj200
Linear Height and Wheelbase meter, Trimos
Hardness Meter, Brinnel e Rockwell
Measurement machine to measure distances between gears, worm screws and crown gears.
Klingelnberg machine for inspection of spur gears